We had 12 people pass out of 12 for the Introductory course and 11 out of 16 for the Certified exam.
Congratulations to all!
See the Gallery here.
Introductory Passes
- John Prime
- Samuel Weatherill
- Giacomo Recchia
- Jonathan Perrée
- Adriano Sartori
- Mattia Ivaldi
- Ryan Condon
- Gastón Adolfo
- Jacqueline Rose Szarmach
- Elton Muco
- Silvia Brullo
- Arran Hodgkinson
Certified Passes
- John Prime
- Samuel Weatherill
- Mattia Ivaldi
- Gastón Adolfo
- Elton Muco
- Vitaliy Yeres’ko
- Fanny Bachelard
- Henrik Dahl Jahnsen
- Irina Sandul
- Jordan Sutton
- Markron Patana