Master Sommeliers
Upon successfully passing the three parts of the Master Sommelier Diploma exam, the Board invites the candidate to join the Court of Master Sommeliers. They are, therefore, allowed to use the title Master Sommelier and the initial MS after their name.
Currently at 282
Jump to Year:
Paul Fauvel
Bertrand Lutaud
Kamal Malik
Andres Aragón Pérez
Paul Robineau
Myles Trapp
Kevin Lu Kai Wen
Jonathan Eichholz
Mark Guillaudeu
Eleftherios Hanialidis
Yuki Hirose
Tyler Alden
Martin Beally
Pablo Braida
Julie Dalton
Erik Elliott
Christopher Gaither
Maddy Jimerson
Pierre Marie Pattieu
Alexander Powell
Christopher Ramelb
Scott Turnbull
Jeremy Broto-mur
Gareth Ferreira
Brandon Kerne
Tamás Czinki
Stefanie Hehn
Matteo Montone
Pierre Brunelli
Nick Davis
Mariya Kovacheva
Svetoslav Manolev
Justin Moore
Vincent Morrow
Joshua Orr
Helga Schroeder
Jeremy Shanker
Carlos Simoes
Toru Takamatsu
Scott Tyree
Jill Zimorski
Dana Gaiser
Dorian Guillon
Morgan Harris
Andrey Ivanov
Max Kast
Douglas Kim
Steven McDonald
Mia Van de Water
James Bube
Mathias Camilleri
Adrian Filiuta
Rebecca Fineman
Yang Lu
Jeremiah Moorehouse
Joshua Nadel
Stefan Neumann
Aaron Patrick
Piotr Pietras
Jackson Rohrbaugh
Jonathon Ross
David Yoshida
Benjamin Hasko
David Keck
Jess Kildetoft
Kyungmoon Kim
Jim Rollston
Pier-Alexis Soulière
Arnaud Bardary
Tobias Brauweiler
Brahm Callahan
William Costello
Elyse Lambert
Jack Mason
Michael Meagher
Kevin Reilly
Clement Robert
June Rodil
Alexander LaPratt
Andy Myers
Adam Pawlowski
Jarad Slipp
Christopher Bates
Sebastian Crowther
Nick Hetzel
Kathrine Larsen
Carlton McCoy
Emily Pickral-Papach
Aristide Spies
Christopher Tanghe
Gillian Ballance
Ian Cauble
Desmond Echervarrie
Yoon Ha
Dennis Kelly
Sur Lucero
Roland Micu
Christopher Miller
Thomas Price
John Ragan
Sabato Sagaria
Anthony Anselmi
Devon Broglie
Craig Collins
Michael Engelmann
Jason Heller
Jennifer Huether
Alex Koblinger
Douglas Marello
Franck Moreau
Edouard Oger
Patrick Okubo
Brandon Tebbe
Dustin Wilson
Isa Bal
Fernando Beteta
Christian Bock
Brett Davis
Christopher Delalonde
Gearoid Devaney
Scott Harper
Yohann Jousselin
João Pires
Jonathan Pullis
James Tidwell
Benjamin Wolf
Jesse Becker
Christopher Blanchard
Joseph Phillips
Steven Poe
Sean Razee
Emily Wines
Thomas Burke
Cameron Douglas
Juan Gomez
Michael Jordan
Brian Koziol
Andrew McNamara
George Miliotes
Randa Warren
Brett Zimmerman
Doug Krenik
Claire Thevenot
Darius Allyn
Serafin Alvarado
Randall Bertao
Shayn Bjornholm
Brian Cronin
Ron Edwards
Mattieu Longuére
Alan Murray
Peter Neptune
Ronan Sayburn
Jason Smith
Guy Stout
Roberto Viernes
Matthew Wilkin
Nigel Wilkinson
Laura Williamson
John Blazon
Laura DePasquale
David Glancy
Robert Smith
Bobby Stuckey
John Szabo
Paolo Barbieri
Sara Floyd
Eric Hemer
Dimitri Mesnard
Robert Bigelow
Matt Citriglia
Virginia Philip
Paul Roberts
Xavier Rousset
Luis de Santos
Keith Goldston
Robert Jones
Lawrence O’Brien
Gilles de Chambure
Ken Fredrickson
Greg Tresner
John Unger
Eric Zwiebel
Ron Mumford
Elizabeth Schweitzer
Hendrik Thoma
Kevin Vogt
Henri Chapon
William Sherer
Cameron Sisk
Catherine Fallis
Vincent Gasnier
Jay James
Claudia Tyagi
Barbara Werley
Jay Fletcher
Greg Harrington
Andrea Immer
Frank Kämmer
Damon Ornowski
Joe Spellman
Sally Mohr
Steve Geddes
Ira Harmon
Michael McNeill
Angelo Tavernaro
Mike Bonaccorsi
Yves Desmaris
Tim Gaiser
Steve Morey
Vera Wessel
Scott Carney
Doug Frost
Peter Granoff
Hubert Notais
Wayne Belding
Roger Dagorn
Stephen Wilcock
Larry Stone
Nunzio Alioto
Evan Goldstein
Madeline Triffon
Ronn Wiegand
Bryan Dawes
Anthony Finn
Otto Hinderer
David O’Connor
Charles Piggin
Claudia Harris
No successful applicants this year.