We had 23 out of 25 people who passed the Introductory course, and 13 out of 18 for the Certified.
Congratulations to all!
See Gallery here.
Introductory Passes
- Giovanni Petitto
- Marko Magi
- Francesco Cosci
- Marie-Clothilde Dardel
- Miguel Gomez
- Matteo Montone
- Maureen McKenna
- Anurag Muley
- Mark Kerr
- Andre Luis Martins
- Doris Trusso Sfrazzetto
- Gabriel Liotta
- Raffaele Leonardo Silvestre
- Ludovic Fritegotto
- Jun Ruan
- Marc Plantevin
- Marek Rakowski
- Jordi Leon Bacarisas
- Benoit Chaligne
- Richard Fisher
- Martin Jezek
- Gabrielle Villano
- Carmen Loyola
Certified Passes
- Giovanni Petitto
- Marko Magi
- Francesco Cosci
- Miguel Gomez
- Matteo Montone
- Gabriel Liotta
- Ludovic Fritegotto
- Jun Ruan
- Marc Plantevin
- Marek Rakowski
- Jordi Leon Bacarisas
- Martin Jezek
- Sanya Abhay